Epic Misfits is not your usual kind of business. Epic Misfits is our creative outlet, a creative hub where Slothpreneurs thrive and where we use the sloth force as our “play force” to make dreams happen by quantum leaping (not following a step by step process) our way through the land of Misfitsdom (the kingdom where Misfits live, play and hang out). Everyone here at team Misfit is a multi-dimensional creator, meaning we create our business not just here on a human level but also on an energetic and angelic level (yes we have angels on the other side supporting us) and we allow energies to serve us in quantum ways (in incomprehensible ways that defy logic/linear thinking).
Epic Misfits is a place that allows us to express our creativity and magic freely, and allows us to exchange our energy and consciousness with you dear readers on a global scale. Our creative hubs are in the UK and Austria. We are energy movers, trail blazers and consciousness pioneers at the core, meaning we are here to birth a new consciousness, a new way of thinking and we do that through our stories, books and products and by us being our quirky self day in and day out. Here at Epic Misfits we make sure everything gets expressed, from the fun and quirky to sometimes difficult truths. We try our best to leave nothing suppressed and keep the energies moving at all times to serve us and you dear reader.
We had the idea of Epic Misfits 4 years ago in 2016 but we had to let our idea ripen first and let ourselves and our team here at Epic Misfits grow to the point where we now have more than 100 plushie team members who all are responsible for keeping various parts of the business in balance. A lot of those plushies are also upcoming book authors, so watch out for those inspirational stories coming your way. We now have a wealth of images, stories and wisdom collected over the years which we are now ready to share with you through our books and Instagram stories.
By us expressing ourselves, our quirky nature, we create a new template for doing business the Misfits way. At the core of our business you find both our love for spirituality and doing things in a new, fun and quirky way. You will find our unique sense of humor woven into the tapestry of everything we do. In order to create our dream Epic Misfits, we had to let go of everything we ever knew about business to allow ourselves and our own quirky way of doing business. It was especially hard for Daniela who had to cut through a lot of old energies of working hard for energy, to allow herself to create a business in a new and fun way. She had to let go of the hypnosis that business had to be serious, structured and that you have to exhaust yourself on the way. She also had to stop stifling her own creativity by hiding in other people’s creations, for there comes a point where Misfits are far too powerful and creative to get stuck in other people’s creations and they have to focus on their own projects. It is part of embodying being sovereign and being a creator, whole unto themselves.
A new energy business is not about following old systems, old templates, having a right or wrong approach…it is about wide open creativity…and it takes quite a lot of “allowing and opening” to get to that space. Most humans still find comfort in the old work structures of working 9-5pm, find comfort in old business models which is totally okay. However being Misfits by nature, we eventually had to break out of the mold and blaze our own trails.
Here at Epic Misfits we use a holistic approach of working, meaning we allow everything into our “passion space”. This means if Lloyd wants to go off and invest time in taking part of a test study to find a cure for Crohns disease, he is allowed to do that, because a) it’s our business and we create the rules and b) we allow all of who we are here at Epic Misfits, which means we also take care of our own health and body and our own needs to keep us happy on all levels. We also allow other projects like Daniela’s dance projects in. We basically allow all that which wants to be expressed in the land of Misfitsdom, apart from that which distracts us further away from our dreams. We strictly avoid distractions here at Epic Misfits. It’s one of the few rules here!
We are at our most productive when we are allowed to let our own Misfit flag fly high and bring our own sense of fun and quirky with us when we’re on Misfits duty. After all business should be about fun and laughter. We believe the space we hold at the core of our business, is the very thing that drives our business forward where we don’t have to focus on hitting sales targets, but we allow our own passion and love to drive our business forward and bring us the results to make our business sustainable. Our only job is to keep the energies moving and keep creating and allow the business freedom to flow wherever it wants to flow. We don’t have a particular vision for Epic Misfits other than to express ourselves through books, stories, merchandise…and in other ways we don’t know yet. We allow our ideas to expand and grow and take twists and turns that we can not yet predict.
Our business model is based on transparent communication, the distribution and flow of communication is everything and we value honesty and transparency! The communication comes from within ourselves and we distribute it outward.
Our Misfits business has following truths at the core:
- Our business is all about applying consciousness, creativity, magic and quirky-ness, we let that ripple out in everything we do.
- We keep energies flowing at all times in undefined ways, the Misfits way of course to take our business to different levels in existence. We move our business in quantum speed and multi directionally.
- We are not afraid of failure, in fact we thrive on failure because then we can learn from it and grow further and succeed, allowing ourselves to go beyond limitation. There is no success without failure. And technically there is no failure because all energy serves.
- If something feels old or doesn’t work for us, we redefine it or simply chuck it out of the land of Misfitsdom in case it brings us no joy.
- We never sell ourselves short or accept peanuts for our creations. We allow quirky energy exchanges that don’t limit us and don’t block the flow of energies trying to come in.
- We allow support on multi-dimensional levels, we allow all energy to serve us.
- We take steps towards our dreams and then we watch what happens and watch how energy responds.
- We don’t worry about salaries or return on our investments, we simply let the Misfit flag fly high and it will take care of the rest.